Archive for April 2008

[ArXiv] 1st week, Apr. 2008

I’m very curious how astronomers began to use Monte Carlo Markov Chain instead of Markov chain Monte Carlo. The more it becomes popular, the more frequently Monte Carlo Markov Chain appears. Anyway, this week, I added non astrostatistical papers in the list: a tutorial, big bang, and biblical theology. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] 1st week, Apr. 2008’ »

[ArXiv] Pareto Distribution

Astronomy is ruled by Gaussian distribution with a Poisson distribution duchy. From time to time, ranks are awarded to other distributions without their own territories to be governed independently. Among these distributions, Pareto deserves a high rank. There is a preprint of this week on the Pareto distribution: Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] Pareto Distribution’ »

Quote of the Date

Really, there is no point in extracting a sentence here and there, go read the whole thing:

Why I don’t like Bayesian Statistics

- Andrew Gelman

Oh, alright, here’s one:

I can’t keep track of what all those Bayesians are doing nowadays–unfortunately, all sorts of people are being seduced by the promises of automatic inference through the “magic of MCMC”–but I wish they would all just stop already and get back to doing statistics the way it should be done, back in the old days when a p-value stood for something, when a confidence interval meant what it said, and statistical bias was something to eliminate, not something to embrace.

Continue reading ‘Quote of the Date’ »