filename: image_doc.txt Date: 2002 originat: deh tlm: 2008 Aug 14 Subject: Template for XJETS doc to go with each image. Leave blank those entries that do not apply. *** NB: PLEASE ENSURE THAT BETWEEN THE ':' (FOLLOWING THE PARAMETER) AND THE ACTUAL VALUE YOU SUPPLY, THERE IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A TAB !!!!!! XJET IMAGE DESCRIPTOR DOCUMENT - (filename should be identical to image except for .fits -> .txt) ------------- cut here ------------------------------------------ FILENAME: # src-detector-freq-date SOURCE: IMAGE NAME: # concise label for thumbnail OBSCODE: # seq.#, obsid, or other useful number FILETYPE: fits primary array # change to 'uv' or 'events' if warranted ARRAY SIZE: # single entry denotes a square array PIXEL SIZE: # in arcsec DETECTOR: # include telescope e.g. Chandra/ACIS-S FREQUENCY: OBSDATE: # we prefer YYYYmmmdd, e.g. 2002jul22 OBSTIME: # append 's', 'm', or whatever units BEAMSIZE: # arcsec: restoring beam for radio; # else smoothing Gaussian convolved with PRF ORIG. PI: CONTRIB. by: PUB-REF: # reference to relevent publication COMMENTS: (describe any other helpful details about the image)