function wvlt_scale,curve,coarse=coarse,_extra=e ;+ ;function findscale ; returns the lengthscale in pixels at each point on the given curve ; using the MexHat Wavelet Transforms as a guide ; ;syntax ; ls=wvlt_scale(curve,/coarse) ; ;parameters ; curve [INPUT; required] regularly gridded 1D array of function ; values to be used to compute the length scales ; * if scalar, returns 0 ; * if >1D, convert to 1D ; ;keywords ; coarse [INPUT; default=2] explore scales at specified coarseness ; e.g.: if COARSE=1, every scale from 1 to N(CURVE)-1 will ; be tested ; _extra [INPUT] junk; ignore. here only to prevent crashing program. ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Apr97) ; fixed bug when N(CURVE) was a power of 2 (LiWei Lin/VK; Jan'03) ;- ; usage if n_elements(curve) eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: ls=wvlt_scale(curve,/coarse)' print,' returns length scales at each point along curve' return,0L endif ; check inputs f=curve & szf=size(f) if szf(0) eq 0 then return,[0L] ;scalar -- return 0 if szf(0) gt 1 then begin ;convert to 1D f=[temporary(f(*))] & szf=size(f) & nszf=n_elements(szf) endif ; if not keyword_set(coarse) then coarse=2 else coarse=fix(coarse)>1 ; initialize n=szf(1) ;number of elements in array fmax=abs(f) ;array of maximum values of f nn=roofn(n,2) ;change to power of 2 (for FFT) n2=nn*2L ;double that, for padding (FFT) x=findgen(n2) ;for defining the MexHat if nn gt n then ff=[f,f(0:nn-n-1)] else ff=f ;fill out the reminder (periodic bc)... g=[reverse(ff(0:nn/2-1)),ff,reverse(ff(nn/2:*))] ; f=g ;...rename scale=lonarr(n)+long(n/sqrt(2)) ;the output ;the sqrt(2) factor because the maximum response of a MexHat to ;a Gaussian of sigma=d occurs at a scale of d/sqrt(2) ; catch trivial errors if n eq 1 then return,[0L] ;scalar masquerading as an array ; convolve with MexHat wavelet at different scales for i=1,n-1,coarse do begin ;{shtep through scales scal=float(i) ;sigma of the MexHat g=(x-n2/2)/scal & g=g^2 & mh=(1.-g) & g=g<138 norm=3./sqrt(2*scal)/!pi^(0.25) mh=mh*exp(-g/2) & mh=shift(mh,n2/2)*norm ;the MexHat ff=float(fft(fft(f,1)*fft(mh,1),-1)) ;convolve ff=ff(n2/4:n2/4+n-1) ;unpad oo=where(abs(fmax) lt abs(ff),moo) if moo gt 0 then begin ;stronger signal? scale(oo)=long(scal/sqrt(2)+0.5) & fmax(oo)=abs(ff(oo)) endif endfor ;I=0,N-1,COARSE} return,scale end