;+ ;function locmax ; returns the local maxima of a 1D array ; ;syntax ; fmax=locmax(f,sigma=sigma,thresh=thresh,width=width,prob=prob,$ ; /poisson,nubin=nubin,fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax) ; ;parameters f [INPUT; required] input array ; ;keywords sigma [INPUT] errors on F (ignored if POISSON is set) ; * ignored if POISSON is set AND F(*).GE.0 ; * default is sqrt(abs(F)+0.75)+1 ; thresh [INPUT; default: 0.5] threshold probability below ; which to ignore a calculation ; width [INPUT; default: 1] compare value in bin to values ; on either side averaged over WIDTH bins ; * NOTE: WIDTH is the *half*width ; poisson [INPUT] if set, assumes a poisson error distribution ; * automatically UNSET if min(F) < 0 ; prob [OUTPUT] returns the computed probabilities ; ; the following are not to be changed unless the user understands ; what's going on! ; ; nubin [INPUT; default: 100] size of uniform grid to ; superpose on F ; fmin [INPUT] minimum value for integration. ; default is 0.2*min(F) or if min(F)<0 then 5*min(F) ; fmax [INPUT] maximum value for integration. ; default is 5*max(F) or if max(F)<0 then 0.2*max(F) ; ;description ; at each point, compute the probability that given value is a ; local maximum. ; p = \int dF p(f|f[i],s[i])*p(f[i-1]1e-8,f0>1e-8) ;incomplete Gamma func. endif else begin if sigma(0) eq 0 then begin oo=where(x ge f0) & f(oo)=1. ;delta function endif else begin xx=(x-f0)/abs(sigma(0))/sqrt(2) f=0.5*(1.+errorf(xx)) ;gaussian error func. endelse endelse return,f end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; function locmax,f,sigma=sigma,thresh=thresh,width=width,prob=prob,$ poisson=poisson,nubin=nubin,fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax np=n_params(0) if np eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: fx=locmax(f,sigma=sigma,thresh=thresh,width=width,prob=prob,$' print,' /poisson,nubin=nubin,fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax)' print,' returns array of local maxima in distribution' return,-1L endif ;if sigma is not set, initialize assuming Poisson errors nf=n_elements(f) & ns=n_elements(sigma) if ns ne nf then sigma=sqrt(abs(f)+0.75)+1. ;check keywords if not keyword_set(width) then width=1 ; if not keyword_set(fmin) then begin fmin=min(f) & if fmin lt 0 then fmin=5*fmin else fmin=0.2*fmin endif ; if not keyword_set(fmax) then begin fmax=max(f) & if fmax lt 0 then fmax=0.2*fmax else fmax=5*fmax endif ; if not keyword_set(nubin) then nubin=100 ; ;if any points are -ve, don't bother trying to use poisson statistics! if fmin lt 0 then poisson=0 ;handle the trivial if nf lt 2 then return,f ;check threshold if not keyword_set(thresh) then thresh=0.5 ;grid for probability computation. compute at each point in f, plus a ;uniform distribution superposed on it. ; df=(fmax-fmin)/(nubin-1.) & f1=f(uniq(f,sort(f))) & f2=findgen(nubin)*df+fmin ; ff=[f1,f2] & ff=ff(sort(ff)) & ff=ff(uniq(ff,sort(ff))) & nn=n_elements(ff) delf=ff(1:*)-ff & fav=0.5*(ff+ff(1:*)) ;output arrays lmax=0.*f & prob=lmax ;append fillers at ends y=[fltarr(width)+fmin,f,fltarr(width)+fmin] s=[fltarr(width),sigma,fltarr(width)] ;intermediate arrays p_pre=fltarr(nn) & p_mid=p_pre & p_pos=p_pre & p_pre(*)=1. ;initialize p_mid p_mid=locmax_cdf(ff,f(0),sigma=sigma(0),poisson=poisson) for i=0L,nf-1L do begin ;step through the distribution ;initialize k=i+width & fmid=y(k) & smid=s(k) ;smooth over WIDTH bins fpre=total(y(k-width:k-1))/width & fpos=total(y(k+1:k+width))/width spre=sqrt(total(s(k-width:k-1)^2))/width spos=sqrt(total(s(k+1:k+width)^2))/width ;shift previously computed arrays if i gt 0 then begin & p_pre=p_mid & p_mid=p_pos & endif ;compute p_pos p_pos=locmax_cdf(ff,fpos,sigma=spos,poisson=poisson) ;compute probabilities pmid=abs(p_mid(1:*)-p_mid)/delf ppre=(0.5*(p_pre+p_pre(1:*)) > 0.) < 1. ppos=(0.5*(p_pos+p_pos(1:*)) > 0.) < 1. ; tmp=pmid*ppre*ppos & prob(i)=total(delf*tmp)/total(pmid*delf) c1=strtrim(i,2)+' '+strtrim(fpre,2)+'+-'+strtrim(spre,2)+' '+$ strtrim(fmid,2)+'+-'+strtrim(smid,2)+' '+$ strtrim(fpos,2)+'+-'+strtrim(spos,2)+' '+strtrim(prob(i),2) if prob(i) gt thresh then begin print,c1 ; plot,fav,ppre,col=100,xr=[min([fpre,fpos])-spre-spos,fmid+2*smid] ; oplot,fav,ppos,col=150 & oplot,fav,pmid & oplot,fav,tmp,line=1 endif endfor ;find the peaks in the PROB distribution oo=where(prob gt shift(prob,1) and prob gt shift(prob,-1) and prob ge thresh) if oo(0) ne -1 then lmax(oo)=f(oo) return,lmax end