function break_rmf, rmfstr, erng,effar=effar, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure break_rmf ; extract a sub-matrix from response matrix and associated ; axes in OGIP compliant form. both input and output are given ; in a structure of the form: ; ; {NNRG, ELO, EHI, NCHAN, EMN, EMX, N_GRP, F_CHAN, N_CHAN, MATRIX, FIRSTCHAN} ; ; where ELO and EHI refer to range of photon energies at which the ; response is valid, EMN and EMX refer to bin boundaries for each ; channel, N_GRP refers to number of groups of non-zero data, F_CHAN ; refer to beginning indices of channels, N_CHAN are the number of ; channels in each group, and the output response MATRIX excludes ; zeros to save space. The value of FIRSTCHAN indicates whether F_CHAN ; indices are 0-based or 1-based. SEE RD_OGIP_RMF(). ; ; ; for a description of the format ; ;syntax ; break_rmf, rmfstr, erng, _extra=e ; ;parameters ; rmfstr [INPUT; required] response matrix structure of the form : ; {NNRG, ELO, EHI, NCHAN, EMN, EMX, N_GRP, F_CHAN, N_CHAN, MATRIX, ; FIRSTCHAN} as read in by e.g. RD_OGIP_RMF() ; erng [INPUT; required] two element array designating the channel ; energy range to which to limit the output rmf ; ;keywords ; effar [OUTPUT] returns the effective area as a function of ELO ; * if an RMF file is read instead of an RSP file, EFFAR are ; uniformly 1, unless it is ASCA in which case it is the QEs ; ;history ; liwei lin (Dec 2004) ; usage ok = 'ok' & np=n_params() & nrng = n_elements(erng) if np lt 2 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nrng ne 2 then ok='ERNG must be 2-element array' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print, 'Usage: break_rmf, rmfstr, erng' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/info return, -1L endif if n_tags(rmfstr) eq 0 then return, -1L ; deconstruct rmf structure NNRG=rmfstr.NNRG & ELO=rmfstr.ELO & EHI=rmfstr.EHI N_GRP=rmfstr.N_GRP & F_CHAN=rmfstr.F_CHAN N_CHAN=rmfstr.N_CHAN & FIRSTCHAN=rmfstr.FIRSTCHAN MATRIX=rmfstr.MATRIX & NCHAN=rmfstr.NCHAN EMN=rmfstr.EMN & EMX=rmfstr.EMX szn=size(N_CHAN) ; set to zero all elements ouside erng chan = [emn+emx]/2 oo = where(chan lt erng(0) or chan gt erng(1),n) ooi = where(chan ge erng(0) and chan lt erng(1),ni) matrix[oo,*] = -1.0 nmatrix = fltarr(nchan-n,nnrg) & nngrp = n_grp nf_chan = f_chan & nn_chan = n_chan ; compress response matrix for j = 0, nnrg-1 do begin ogipzip, matrix[*,j],carr,ngrp,fchan,nchano,eps=-0.01,chan0=firstchan,cchan=cchan nmatrix[*,j]=carr & nngrp(j) = ngrp nf_chan(j) = fchan & nn_chan(j) = nchano endfor nrmfstr=create_struct('NNRG',nnrg,'ELO',elo,'EHI',ehi,$ 'NCHAN',ni,'EMN',emn(ooi),'EMX',emx(ooi),$ 'N_GRP',nngrp,'F_CHAN',nf_chan,'N_CHAN',nn_chan,$ 'MATRIX',nmatrix,'FIRSTCHAN',firstchan) ; effar effar = fltarr(nnrg) for j = 0, nnrg-1 do effar(j) = total(nmatrix[*,j]) return, nrmfstr end