function colbehr,Ssrc,Msrc,Hsrc, Sbkg=Sbkg,Mbkg=Mbkg,Hbkg=Hbkg,$ Sarea=Sarea,Marea=Marea,Harea=Harea, Seff=Seff,Meff=Meff,Heff=Heff,$ Sidx=Sidx,Midx=Midx,Hidx=Hidx, Sscl=Sscl,Mscl=Mscl,Hscl=Hscl,$ Stable=Stable,Mtable=Mtable,Htable=Htable,$ nsim=nsim,nburnin=nburnin,post=post,level=level,$ outputF=outputF,BEHRdir=BEHRdir,verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;function colbehr ; computes hardness ratios based on 3-band data by invoking ; BEHR (Bayesian Estimate of Hardness Ratios) twice, and ; returns the inputs as well as the following quantities ; and their credible ranges in a structure: ; {S, M, H, lS=log10(S), lM=log10(M), lH=log10(H), ; SpM=S+M, MpH=M+H, SpH=S+H, T=S+M+H, ; SmM=S-M, MmH=M-H, SmH=S-H, ; R1=S/M, R2=M/H, R3=S/H, ; C1=C_SM, C2=C_MH, C3=C_SH, ; HR1=(S-M)/(S+M), HR2=(M-H)/(M+H), HR3=(S-H)/(S+H), ; HRA=(S-M)/(S+M+H), HRB=(M-H)/(S+M+H), HRC=(S-H)/(S+M+H)} ; ; Warning: Because of the necessity of combining two separate ; runs of BEHR, only the MCMC option is used. Thus, if the ; length of the chain is small, the computed values may be ; subject to computational instability. ; ; Warning: BEHR assumes that the passbands in question ; do not overlap, and that the counts input to the program ; are statistically independent. It is up to the users to ; ensure the validity of this assumption. No checks are ; made to verify it. ; ; Reference: ; "Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios: Modeling and Computations", ; Park, T., Kashyap, V.L., Siemiginowska, A., van Dyk, D., Zezas, A., ; Heinke, C., and Wargelin, B., 2006, ApJ, 652, 610 ; ; ;syntax ; behr3=colbehr(Ssrc,Msrc,Hsrc,Sbkg=Sbkg,Mbkg=Mbkg,Hbkg=Hbkg,$ ; Sarea=Sarea,Marea=Marea,Harea=Harea,$ ; Seff=Seff,Meff=Meff,Heff=Heff,$ ; Sidx=Sidx,Midx=Midx,Hidx=Hidx,$ ; Sscl=Sscl,Mscl=Mscl,Hscl=Hscl,$ ; Stable=Stable,Mtable=Mtable,Htable=Htable,$ ; /post,level=level,nsim=nsim,nburnin=nburnin,hpd=hpd,$ ; outputf=outputf,BEHRdir=BEHRdir, verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; Ssrc [INPUT; required] counts in source region in the soft (S) band ; Msrc [INPUT; required] counts in source region in the medium (M) band ; Hsrc [INPUT; required] counts in source region in the hard (H) band ; * can be arrays; if so, the array with the most elements ; determines the size of the output and the shortfalls in the ; others, if any, are made up by replicating the first elements ; ;keywords ; Sbkg [INPUT] counts in background region in the S band ; Mbkg [INPUT] counts in background region in the M band ; Hbkg [INPUT] counts in background region in the H band ; * if not given, assumed to be 0 ; * if size smaller than Xsrc, first element gets replicated ; Sarea [INPUT] background scaling factor in the S band ; Marea [INPUT] background scaling factor in the M band ; Harea [INPUT] background scaling factor in the H band ; * (background region area)/(source region area) ; * if not given, assumed to be 1 ; * can also include differences in exposure time into ; the ratio, in the same manner as geometric area ; * if size smaller than Xsrc, first element gets replicated ; Seff [INPUT] effective area in S band ; Meff [INPUT] effective area in M band ; Heff [INPUT] effective area in H band ; * if none are set, all are assumed to be 1, ; else if one is set, all are assumed to be equal to that one, ; else if two are set and unequal, third is assumed to be 1 ; * can also be the effective area relative to some ; special point on the detector (e.g., aimpoint) ; or even some specific detector (e.g., ACIS-I v/s ACIS-S) ; * if size smaller than Xsrc, first element gets replicated ; Sidx [INPUT] index of prior on S (range = 0+) ; Midx [INPUT] index of prior on M (range = 0+) ; Hidx [INPUT] index of prior on H (range = 0+) ; * if none are set, all are assumed to be 0.5, ; else if one is set, all are assumed to be equal to that one ; else if two are set and are unequal, third is assumed to be 0.5 ; * if size smaller than Xsrc, first element gets replicated ; * similar to AGAMMA of PPD_SRC() ; Sscl [INPUT] scaling index of prior on Ssrc ; Mscl [INPUT] scaling index of prior on Msrc ; Hscl [INPUT] scaling index of prior on Hsrc ; * if none are set, all are assumed to be 0 ; else if one is set, all are assumed to be equal to that one ; else if two are set and are unequal, third is assumed to be 0 ; * if size smaller than Xsrc, first element gets replicated ; * similar to BGAMMA of PPD_SRC() ; Stable [INPUT] filename containing a tabulated prior for Ssrc ; Mtable [INPUT] filename containing a tabulated prior for Msrc ; Htable [INPUT] filename containing a tabulated prior for Hsrc ; * the table prior must be an ascii file with the following format: ; line 1: number of entries, say NLIN ; line 2: labels for the columns, ignored ; lines 3..NLIN+2: two whitespace separated columns of numbers, ; with each row containing the source intensity and the posterior ; density, in that order ; * the default filenames are "./tblprior_{soft|med|hard}.txt" ; * the default filenames are used iff Stable, Mtable, and Htable are set ; but are not found ; * WARNING: if regex is used in the filename specification, only the ; first file from the list will be used. furthermore, if specified, ; the table priors are applied to _all_ SSRC, MSRC, and HSRC ; post [INPUT] if set, suggests the values of (Sidx,Sscl), (Midx,Mscl), ; and (Hidx,Hscl) going forward, i.e., what you should set the ; priors to in your next calculation for the same source -- the ; suggested values are stored in the output structure ; level [INPUT] percentage confidence level at which to report error ; (default = 68) ; details [INPUT] compute various ratios (true/false)? ; (default = true) ; nsim [INPUT] number of draws if algo=gibbs (default=10000) ; nburnin [INPUT] number of burn-in draws if algo=gibbs ; (default=5000 or NSIM/2, whichever is smaller) ; outputF [INPUT] root of filename in which to place output ; (default = 'none') ; * output will be placed in the files OUTPUTF.txt and OUTPUTF_draws.txt ; * NOTE: if OUTPUTF='none', then MC draws will be in BEHR_draws.txt ; BEHRdir [INPUT] full path to directory where BEHR executable resides ; (default = '/data/fubar/kashyap/AstroStat/BEHR') ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;requirements ; uses subroutines HIPD_INTERVAL() and MODALPOINT() ; BEHR executable must be installed in BEHRDIR ; BEHR should be executable under the shell via SPAWN ; BEHR output assumed to be compatible with 12-19-2005 version ; ;side-effects ; potentially creates numerous ascii files in $cwd or `basedir OUTPUTF` ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Mar07; based on ; bug correction with NaNs not being caught in some cases ; (VK; Mar07) ; added keywords Stable,Mtable,Htable (VK; Feb08) ; ;etymology ; getting color-color diagrams using BEHR ; (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) ;- vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 ; where is it? if not keyword_set(BEHRdir) then begin stdout='BEHR: Command not found.' if !version.os_family eq 'unix' then spawn,'which BEHR',stdout if strpos(strlowcase(stdout[0]),'command not found',0) ge 0 then $ BEHRdir='/data/fubar/kashyap/AstroStat/BEHR' else $ BEHRdir=stdout[0] endif BEHRexe=filepath('BEHR',root_dir=BEHRdir) if vv ge 5 then message,'Using : '+BEHRexe,/informational ; usage ok='ok' np=n_params() & nss=n_elements(Ssrc) & nms=n_elements(Msrc) & nhs=n_elements(Hsrc) if np lt 3 then ok='Insufficient parameters' ; spawn,BEHRexe,usage if strpos(strlowcase(usage[0]),'command not found',0) ge 0 then $ ok='BEHR: command not found' ; if nss gt 0 then cmd=BEHRexe+' Ssrc='+strtrim(Ssrc[0],2) else $ cmd=BEHRexe+' Ssrc=0' spawn,cmd,help if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: behr3=colbehr(Ssrc,Msrc,Hsrc, Sbkg=Sbkg,Mbkg=Mbkg,Hbkg=Hbkg,$ print,' Sarea=Sarea,Marea=Marea,Harea=Harea, Seff=Seff,Meff=Meff,Heff=Heff,$ print,' Sidx=Sidx,Midx=Midx,Hidx=Hidx, Sscl=Sscl,Mscl=Mscl,Hscl=Hscl,$ print,' Stable=Stable,Mtable=Mtable,Htable=Htable, /post,level=level,$' print,' nbin=nbins,outputf=outputf,BEHRdir=BEHRdir,verbose=verbose)' print,'' print,' an IDL wrapper to Bayesian Estimate of Hardness Ratios (BEHR)' print,' returns a structure containing the relevant outputs neatly' print,' summarized into fields for IDL consumption' print,'' print,' REFERENCES:' print,' Park, T., Kashyap, V.L., Siemiginowska, A., van Dyk, D., Zezas, A., print,' Heinke, C., and Wargelin, B., 2006, ApJ, 652, 610' print,'' print,'' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational print,'' if vv ne 0 then begin if mp eq 0 then for i=0,n_elements(usage)-1 do print,usage[i] else $ for i=0,n_elements(help)-1 do print,help[i] endif return,-1L endif ; how many are input? ndat=nss > nms > nhs ; set up the input parameters ; source counts if nss eq 0 then xSsrc=0 else xSsrc=Ssrc if nms eq 0 then xMsrc=0 else xMsrc=Msrc if nhs eq 0 then xHsrc=0 else xHsrc=Hsrc ss=lonarr(ndat)+xSsrc[0] & if nss gt 0 then ss[0L:nss-1L]=xSsrc[*] ms=lonarr(ndat)+xMsrc[0] & if nms gt 0 then ms[0L:nms-1L]=xMsrc[*] hs=lonarr(ndat)+xHsrc[0] & if nhs gt 0 then hs[0L:nhs-1L]=xHsrc[*] ; ; background counts nsb=n_elements(Sbkg) & if nsb eq 0 then xSbkg=0 else xSbkg=Sbkg nmb=n_elements(Mbkg) & if nmb eq 0 then xMbkg=0 else xMbkg=Mbkg nhb=n_elements(Hbkg) & if nhb eq 0 then xHbkg=0 else xHbkg=Hbkg sb=lonarr(ndat)+xSbkg[0] & if nsb gt 0 then sb[0L:nsb-1L]=xSbkg[*] mb=lonarr(ndat)+xMbkg[0] & if nmb gt 0 then mb[0L:nmb-1L]=xMbkg[*] hb=lonarr(ndat)+xHbkg[0] & if nhb gt 0 then hb[0L:nhb-1L]=xHbkg[*] ; ; background area scaling factors nsa=n_elements(Sarea) & if nsa eq 0 then xSarea=1. else xSarea=Sarea nma=n_elements(Marea) & if nma eq 0 then xMarea=1. else xMarea=Marea nha=n_elements(Harea) & if nha eq 0 then xHarea=1. else xHarea=Harea sa=dblarr(ndat)+xSarea[0] & if nsa gt 0 then sa[0L:nsa-1L]=xSarea[*] ma=dblarr(ndat)+xMarea[0] & if nma gt 0 then ma[0L:nma-1L]=xMarea[*] ha=dblarr(ndat)+xHarea[0] & if nha gt 0 then ha[0L:nha-1L]=xHarea[*] ; ; effective area nse=n_elements(Seff) & if nse eq 0 then xSeff=1.0 else xSeff=Seff nme=n_elements(Meff) & if nme eq 0 then xMeff=1.0 else xMeff=Meff nhe=n_elements(Heff) & if nhe eq 0 then xHeff=1.0 else xHeff=Heff if nse eq 0 and nme eq 0 and nhe ne 0 then begin & xSeff=xHeff & xMeff=xHeff & endif if nse eq 0 and nme ne 0 and nhe eq 0 then begin & xSeff=xMeff & xHeff=xMeff & endif if nse ne 0 and nme eq 0 and nhe eq 0 then begin & xMeff=xSeff & xHeff=xSeff & endif se=dblarr(ndat)+xSeff[0] & if nse gt 0 then se[0L:nse-1L]=xSeff[*] me=dblarr(ndat)+xMeff[0] & if nme gt 0 then me[0L:nme-1L]=xMeff[*] he=dblarr(ndat)+xHeff[0] & if nhe gt 0 then he[0L:nhe-1L]=xHeff[*] ; ; index of prior nsi=n_elements(Sidx) & if nsi eq 0 then xSidx=0.5 else xSidx=Sidx nmi=n_elements(Midx) & if nmi eq 0 then xMidx=0.5 else xMidx=Midx nhi=n_elements(Hidx) & if nhi eq 0 then xHidx=0.5 else xHidx=Hidx if nsi eq 0 and nmi eq 0 and nhi ne 0 then begin & xSidx=xHidx & xMidx=xHidx & endif if nsi eq 0 and nmi ne 0 and nhi eq 0 then begin & xSidx=xMidx & xHidx=xMidx & endif if nsi ne 0 and nmi eq 0 and nhi eq 0 then begin & xMidx=xSidx & xHidx=xSidx & endif si=fltarr(ndat)+xSidx[0] & if nsi gt 0 then si[0L:nsi-1L]=xSidx[*] mi=fltarr(ndat)+xMidx[0] & if nmi gt 0 then mi[0L:nmi-1L]=xMidx[*] hi=fltarr(ndat)+xHidx[0] & if nhi gt 0 then hi[0L:nhi-1L]=xHidx[*] ; ; scale index of prior nsc=n_elements(Sscl) & if nsc eq 0 then xSscl=0. else xSscl=Sscl nmc=n_elements(Mscl) & if nmc eq 0 then xMscl=0. else xMscl=Mscl nhc=n_elements(Hscl) & if nhc eq 0 then xHscl=0. else xHscl=Hscl if nsc eq 0 and nmc eq 0 and nhc ne 0 then begin & xSscl=xHscl & xMscl=xHscl & endif if nsc eq 0 and nmc ne 0 and nhc eq 0 then begin & xSscl=xMscl & xHscl=xMscl & endif if nsc ne 0 and nmc eq 0 and nhc eq 0 then begin & xMscl=xSscl & xHscl=xSscl & endif sc=fltarr(ndat)+xSscl[0] & if nsc gt 0 then sc[0L:nsc-1L]=xSscl[*] mc=fltarr(ndat)+xMscl[0] & if nmc gt 0 then mc[0L:nmc-1L]=xMscl[*] hc=fltarr(ndat)+xHscl[0] & if nhc gt 0 then hc[0L:nhc-1L]=xHscl[*] ; nlev=n_elements(level) & if nlev eq 0 then xlevel=68. else xlevel=level clev=fltarr(ndat)+xlevel[0] & if nlev gt 0 then clev[0L:nlev-1L]=xlevel[*] ; msim=n_elements(nsim) & if msim eq 0 then nnsim=10000L else nnsim=nsim numsim=lonarr(ndat)+nnsim[0] & if msim gt 0 then numsim[0L:msim-1L]=nnsim[*] ; mburn=n_elements(nburnin) & if mburn eq 0 then nnburnin=(5000L < numsim/2) else nnburnin=nburnin numburn=lonarr(ndat)+nnburnin[0] & if mburn gt 0 then numburn[0L:mburn-1L]=nnburnin[*] ; nfmt=strtrim(fix(alog10(ndat)+1),2) & fmt='(i'+nfmt+'.'+nfmt+')' nout=n_elements(outputf) & if nout eq 0 then outputf='none' if ndat gt 1 then filroot=outputf[0]+'_'+string(lindgen(ndat)+1L,fmt) else $ filroot=outputf[0] if ndat eq 1 then if nout gt 1 then filroot[0L:nout-1L]=outputf[*] ; mPost=n_elements(post) & if mPost eq 0 then iPost=0 else iPost=Post outPost=bytarr(ndat)+iPost[0] & if mPost gt 0 then outPost[0L:mPost-1L]=iPost[*] soutPost=strarr(ndat)+'false' & oo=where(outPost ne 0,moo) & if moo gt 0 then soutPost[oo]='true' ; sinthpd=strarr(ndat)+'true' ; ; table priors if keyword_set(Stable) then begin stbl='tblprior_soft.txt' sfil=findfile(string(Stable),count=nsfil) if nsfil ne 0 then stbl=sfil[0] endif if keyword_set(Mtable) then begin Mtbl='tblprior_med.txt' Mfil=findfile(string(Mtable),count=nMfil) if nMfil ne 0 then Mtbl=Mfil[0] endif if keyword_set(Htable) then begin Htbl='tblprior_hard.txt' Hfil=findfile(string(Htable),count=nHfil) if nHfil ne 0 then Htbl=Hfil[0] endif ; define the output dat=fltarr(ndat) & nat=dat+!values.F_NAN Sstr=create_struct('mode',nat,'mean',nat,'median',nat,'lowerbound',nat,'upperbound',nat) Mstr=Sstr & Hstr=Sstr ;S, M, H, lSstr=Sstr & lMstr=Sstr & lHstr=Sstr ;logS, logM, logH, SmMstr=Sstr & MmHstr=Sstr & SmHstr=Sstr ;SmM=S-M, MmH=M-H, SmH=S-H, SpMstr=Sstr & MpHstr=Sstr & SpHstr=Sstr & Tstr=Sstr ;SpM=S+M, MpH=M+H, SpH=S+H, T=S+M+H R1str=Sstr & R2str=Sstr & R3str=Sstr ;R1=S/M, R2=M/H, R3=S/H, C1str=Sstr & C2str=Sstr & C3str=Sstr ;C1=C_SM, C2=C_MH, C3=C_SH, HR1str=Sstr & HR2str=Sstr & HR3str=Sstr ;HR1=(S-M)/(S+M), HR2=(M-H)/(M+H), HR3=(S-H)/(S+H), HRAstr=Sstr & HRBstr=Sstr & HRCstr=Sstr ;HRA=(S-M)/(S+M+H), HRB=(M-H)/(S+M+H), HRC=(S-H)/(S+M+H)} ; postlamSidx=si & postlamMidx=mi & postlamHidx=hi postlamSscl=dat & postlamMscl=dat & postlamHscl=dat ; call BEHR for each data point for i=0L,ndat-1L do begin if vv ne 0 and vv le 4 then print,strtrim(i,2),format='($,a10)' algo_method='gibbs' if ss[i]-sb[i]/sa[i] lt 15 or ms[i]-mb[i]/ma[i] lt 15 or hs[i]-hb[i]/ha[i] lt 15 then begin if ss[i]-sb[i]/sa[i] gt 100 or ms[i]-mb[i]/ma[i] gt 100 or hs[i]-hb[i]/ha[i] gt 100 then begin if numsim[i] lt 50000 then message,'WARNING: '+$ 'consider raising NSIM; too many counts in one band and too few in the other',/informational endif endif cmd1=BEHRexe+$ ' softsrc='+strtrim(ss[i],2)+$ ' hardsrc='+strtrim(ms[i],2)+$ ' softbkg='+strtrim(sb[i],2)+$ ' hardbkg='+strtrim(mb[i],2)+$ ' softarea='+strtrim(sa[i],2)+$ ' hardarea='+strtrim(ma[i],2)+$ ' softeff='+strtrim(se[i],2)+$ ' hardeff='+strtrim(me[i],2)+$ ' softidx='+strtrim(si[i],2)+$ ' hardidx='+strtrim(mi[i],2)+$ ' softscl='+strtrim(sc[i],2)+$ ' hardscl='+strtrim(mc[i],2) if keyword_set(Stable) then cmd1=cmd1+' softtbl='+stbl if keyword_set(Mtable) then cmd1=cmd1+' hardtbl='+mtbl cmd1=cmd1+$ ' post='+soutPost[i]+$ ' level='+strtrim(clev[i],2)+$ ' algo=gibbs'+$ ' details=true'+$ ' nsim='+strtrim(numsim[i],2)+$ ' nburnin='+strtrim(numburn[i],2)+$ ' HPD=true'+$ ' output='+filroot[i]+$ ' outputMC=true' if vv gt 4 then print,cmd1 ; if numburn[i] ge numsim[i] then begin message,'NBURNIN must be less than NSIM; skipping this command:',$ /informational print,cmd1 endif else spawn,cmd1,stdout MCdrawsfil='BEHR_draws.txt' if strpos(strlowcase(filroot[i]),'none') lt 0 then MCdrawsfil=filroot[i]+'_draws.txt' var=fltarr(2,numsim[i]-numburn[i]) openr,umc,MCdrawsfil,/get_lun readf,umc,var & Sdraw=reform(var[0,*]) & Mdraw=reform(var[1,*]) close,umc & free_lun,umc nn=n_elements(stdout) & j=0L & k=-1 while k lt 0 do begin if strpos(stdout[j],'Mode',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Mean',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Median',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Lower Bound',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Upper Bound',0) ge 0 then k=j if k gt 0 and vv ge 10 then print,stdout[j] j=j+1L if j eq nn then message,'BUG? BEHR returns nothing' endwhile for j=k,nn-1L do begin if strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamS|data)',0) ge 0 then begin if vv ge 10 then print,stdout[j] i0=strpos(stdout[j],'(',strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamS|data)',0)+strlen('p(lamS|data)')) i1=strpos(stdout[j],')',i0+1) cc=strmid(stdout[j],i0+1,i1-i0-1) ccc=strsplit(cc,',',/extract) postlamSidx[i]=float(ccc[0]) postlamSscl[i]=float(ccc[1]) endif if strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamH|data)',0) ge 0 then begin if vv ge 10 then print,stdout[j] i0=strpos(stdout[j],'(',strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamH|data)',0)+strlen('p(lamH|data)')) i1=strpos(stdout[j],')',i0+1) cc=strmid(stdout[j],i0+1,i1-i0-1) ccc=strsplit(cc,',',/extract) postlamMidx[i]=float(ccc[0]) postlamMscl[i]=float(ccc[1]) endif endfor cmd2=BEHRexe+$ ' softsrc='+strtrim(ss[i],2)+$ ' hardsrc='+strtrim(hs[i],2)+$ ' softbkg='+strtrim(sb[i],2)+$ ' hardbkg='+strtrim(hb[i],2)+$ ' softarea='+strtrim(sa[i],2)+$ ' hardarea='+strtrim(ha[i],2)+$ ' softeff='+strtrim(se[i],2)+$ ' hardeff='+strtrim(he[i],2)+$ ' softidx='+strtrim(si[i],2)+$ ' hardidx='+strtrim(hi[i],2)+$ ' softscl='+strtrim(sc[i],2)+$ ' hardscl='+strtrim(hc[i],2) if keyword_set(Stable) then cmd2=cmd2+' softtbl='+mtbl if keyword_set(Mtable) then cmd2=cmd2+' hardtbl='+htbl cmd2=cmd2+$ ' post='+soutPost[i]+$ ' level='+strtrim(clev[i],2)+$ ' algo=gibbs'+$ ' details=true'+$ ' nsim='+strtrim(numsim[i],2)+$ ' nburnin='+strtrim(numburn[i],2)+$ ' HPD=true'+$ ' output='+filroot[i]+$ ' outputMC=true' if vv gt 4 then print,cmd2 ; if numburn[i] ge numsim[i] then begin message,'NBURNIN must be less than NSIM; skipping this command:',$ /informational print,cmd2 endif else spawn,cmd2,stdout MCdrawsfil='BEHR_draws.txt' if strpos(strlowcase(filroot[i]),'none') lt 0 then MCdrawsfil=filroot[i]+'_draws.txt' var=fltarr(2,numsim[i]-numburn[i]) openr,umc,MCdrawsfil,/get_lun readf,umc,var & Sdraw=reform(var[0,*]) & Hdraw=reform(var[1,*]) close,umc & free_lun,umc nn=n_elements(stdout) & j=0L & k=-1 while k lt 0 do begin if strpos(stdout[j],'Mode',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Mean',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Median',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Lower Bound',0) ge 0 and $ strpos(stdout[j],'Upper Bound',0) ge 0 then k=j if k gt 0 and vv ge 10 then print,stdout[j] j=j+1L if j eq nn then message,'BUG? BEHR returns nothing' endwhile for j=k,nn-1L do begin if strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamH|data)',0) ge 0 then begin if vv ge 10 then print,stdout[j] i0=strpos(stdout[j],'(',strpos(stdout[j],'p(lamH|data)',0)+strlen('p(lamH|data)')) i1=strpos(stdout[j],')',i0+1) cc=strmid(stdout[j],i0+1,i1-i0-1) ccc=strsplit(cc,',',/extract) postlamHidx[i]=float(ccc[0]) postlamHscl[i]=float(ccc[1]) endif endfor y=Sdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) Sstr.mode[i]=fmode & Sstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & Sstr.median[i]=median(y) & Sstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & Sstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Mdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) Mstr.mode[i]=fmode & Mstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & Mstr.median[i]=median(y) & Mstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & Mstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) Hstr.mode[i]=fmode & Hstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & Hstr.median[i]=median(y) & Hstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & Hstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=alog10(Sdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) lSstr.mode[i]=fmode & lSstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & lSstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & lSstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & lSstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=alog10(Mdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) lMstr.mode[i]=fmode & lMstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & lMstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & lMstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & lMstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=alog10(Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) lHstr.mode[i]=fmode & lHstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & lHstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & lHstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & lHstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=Sdraw-Mdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) SmMstr.mode[i]=fmode & SmMstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & SmMstr.median[i]=median(y) & SmMstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & SmMstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Mdraw-Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) MmHstr.mode[i]=fmode & MmHstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & MmHstr.median[i]=median(y) & MmHstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & MmHstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Sdraw-Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) SmHstr.mode[i]=fmode & SmHstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & SmHstr.median[i]=median(y) & SmHstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & SmHstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Sdraw+Mdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) SpMstr.mode[i]=fmode & SpMstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & SpMstr.median[i]=median(y) & SpMstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & SpMstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Mdraw+Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) MpHstr.mode[i]=fmode & MpHstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & MpHstr.median[i]=median(y) & MpHstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & MpHstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Sdraw+Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) SpHstr.mode[i]=fmode & SpHstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & SpHstr.median[i]=median(y) & SpHstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & SpHstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=Sdraw+Mdraw+Hdraw & z=hipd_interval(y,/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) Tstr.mode[i]=fmode & Tstr.mean[i]=mean(y) & Tstr.median[i]=median(y) & Tstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & Tstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] y=float(Sdraw)/float(Mdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) R1str.mode[i]=fmode & R1str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & R1str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & R1str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & R1str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=float(Mdraw)/float(Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) R2str.mode[i]=fmode & R2str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & R2str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & R2str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & R2str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=float(Sdraw)/float(Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) R3str.mode[i]=fmode & R3str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & R3str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & R3str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & R3str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=alog10(Sdraw)-alog10(Mdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) C1str.mode[i]=fmode & C1str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & C1str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & C1str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & C1str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=alog10(Mdraw)-alog10(Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) C2str.mode[i]=fmode & C2str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & C2str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & C2str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & C2str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=alog10(Sdraw)-alog10(Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) C3str.mode[i]=fmode & C3str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & C3str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & C3str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & C3str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Sdraw-Mdraw)/(Sdraw+Mdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HR1str.mode[i]=fmode & HR1str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HR1str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HR1str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HR1str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Mdraw-Hdraw)/(Mdraw+Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HR2str.mode[i]=fmode & HR2str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HR2str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HR2str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HR2str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Sdraw-Hdraw)/(Sdraw+Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HR3str.mode[i]=fmode & HR3str.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HR3str.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HR3str.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HR3str.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Sdraw-Mdraw)/(Sdraw+Mdraw+Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HRAstr.mode[i]=fmode & HRAstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HRAstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HRAstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HRAstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Mdraw-Hdraw)/(Sdraw+Mdraw+Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HRBstr.mode[i]=fmode & HRBstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HRBstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HRBstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HRBstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif y=(Sdraw-Hdraw)/(Sdraw+Mdraw+Hdraw) & os=where(finite(y) ne 0,mos) if mos gt 2 then begin z=hipd_interval(y[os],/fsample,fmode=fmode,clev=clev[i]) HRCstr.mode[i]=fmode & HRCstr.mean[i]=mean(y[os]) & HRCstr.median[i]=median(y[os]) & HRCstr.lowerbound[i]=z[0] & HRCstr.upperbound[i]=z[1] endif endfor ; define the output BEHR3=create_struct('softsrc',ss,'mediumsrc',ms,'hardsrc',hs,$ 'softbkg',sb,'mediumbkg',mb,'hardbkg',hb,$ 'softarea',sa,'mediumarea',ma,'hardarea',ha,$ 'softeff',se,'mediumeff',me,'hardeff',he,$ 'softidx',si,'mediumidx',mi,'hardidx',hi,$ 'softscl',sc,'mediumscl',mc,'hardscl',hc,$ 'level',clev,'algo','gibbs','nsim',numsim,'nburnin',numburn,$ 'nbins',0,'HPD',sinthpd,'filroot',filroot,$ 'S',Sstr,'M',Mstr,'H',Hstr,'lS',lSstr,'lM',lMstr,'lH',lHstr,$ 'SmM',SmMstr,'MmH',MmHstr,'SmH',SmHstr,'SpM',SpMstr,'MpH',MpHstr,'SpH',SpHstr,'T',Tstr,$ 'R1',R1str,'R2',R2str,'R3',R3str,'C1',C1str,'C2',C2str,'C3',C3str,$ 'HR1',HR1str,'HR2',HR2str,'HR3',HR3str,'HRA',HRAstr,'HRB',HRBstr,'HRC',HRCstr,$ 'postlamS_idx',postlamSidx,'postlamS_scl',postlamSscl,$ 'postlamM_idx',postlamMidx,'postlamM_scl',postlamMscl,$ 'postlamH_idx',postlamHidx,'postlamH_scl',postlamHscl,$ 'help', 'S, M, H ; lS=log10(S), lM=log10(M), lH=log10(H) ; '+$ 'SpM=S+M, MpH=M+H, SpH=S+H, T=S+M+H ; '+$ 'SmM=S-M, MmH=M-H, SmH=S-H ; '+$ 'R1=S/M, R2=M/H, R3=S/H ; C1=C_SM, C2=C_MH, C3=C_SH ; '+$ 'HR1=(S-M)/(S+M), HR2=(M-H)/(M+H), HR3=(S-H)/(S+H) ; '+$ 'HRA=(S-M)/(S+M+H), HRB=(M-H)/(S+M+H), HRC=(S-H)/(S+M+H)') return,BEHR3 end