function hinode_xrt_emis,filter,tgrid,ldbdir=ldbdir,cdbdir=cdbdir,$ ioneqf=ioneqf,abund=abund,cieroot=cieroot,n_e=n_e,NH=NH,$ xrteff=xrteff,lstr=lstr,cstr=cstr,toel=toel,toph=toph,toDN=toDN,$ EM0=EM0,pixsize=pixsize,xrtl=xrtl,xrtc=xrtc,verbose=verbose,$ _extra=e ;+ ;function hinode_xrt_emis ; compute and return the combined emissivities of Hinode/XRT ; filters in an array of form [Ntemp,Nfilt] in units of ; [1d-23 ergs cm^5/s] for each pixel ; ;syntax ; xrtemis=hinode_xrt_emis(filter,tgrid,ldbdir=ldbdir,$ ; cdbdir=cdbdir,ioneqf=ioneqf,abund=abund,cieroot=cieroot,$ ; n_e=n_e,NH=NH,xrteff=xrteff,lstr=lstr,cstr=cstr,$ ; /toel,/toph,/toDN,EM0=EM0,pixsize=pixsize,verbose=verbose,$ ; chidir=chidir,fH2=fH2,He1=He1,HeII=HeII) ; ;parameters ; filter [INPUT; required] scalar or array of filter names ; * for Hinode/XRT, acceptable filter names are ; Al-mesh, Al-poly, C-poly, Ti-poly, Be-thin, ; Be-med, Al-med, Al-thick, Be-thick, ; Al-poly/Al-mesh, Al-poly/Ti-poly, Al-poly/Al-thick, ; Al-poly/Be-thick, C-poly/Ti-poly ; * set to 'all' to get everything ; tgrid [I/O] the log(T[K]) grid over which the output ; is to be defined ; * if not specified on input, will be set to be ; the same as that in the emissivity tables, ; the PoA default, findgen(81)*0.05+4 ; ;keywords ; ldbdir [INPUT; '$CHIANTI'] line emissivity database directory ; cdbdir [INPUT; '$CONT'] continuum emissivity database directory ; ioneqf [INPUT; 'ioneq/mazzotta_etal.ioneq'] location of the ; ion fraction tables ; abund [INPUT; getabund('Grevesse et al')] abundances ; cieroot [INPUT; 'cie'] root name for the files in $CONT ; n_e [INPUT; 1e9] electron number density in the plasma ; NH [INPUT; 0] H column density to apply ; xrteff [I/O] the XRT effective areas; input can be any of the ; following:- ; - a structure that contains the following fields -- ; {TYPE, CHANNEL_NAME, WAVE, EFF_AREA, LENGTH} ; which can be generated using the SSW routine ; xrteff = MAKE_XRT_WAVE_RESP(contam_time=contam_time) ; - the name of a save file that contains the previously ; generated structure, named either XRTEFF or EFF ; - a flag that indicates that this must be calculated ; in situ by calling MAKE_XRT_WAVE_RESP() (requires SSW) ; - this can be accomplished by setting /XRTEFF, but ; that will prevent it from being returned up. instead, ; it is better to do something like ; xrteff=1 & xrtemis=hinode_xrt_emis(...,xrteff=xrteff,...) ; * on output, will always contain the structure that ; was read in or calculated ; lstr [OUTPUT] line emissivities structure, as read in ; from RD_LINE() ; cstr [OUTPUT] continuum emissivities structure, as read in ; from RD_CONT() ; toel [INPUT; default=0] if set, returns the output in units ; of [el cm^5/s] ; toph [INPUT; default=0] if set, returns the output in units ; of [ph cm^5/s] ; toDN [INPUT; default=0] if set, returns the output in units ; of [DN cm^5/pix] ; * NOTE: TODN overrides TOPH overrides TOEL ; EM0 [INPUT; default=1] if set, multiples the output by ; this value to derive [ph/s] or [ph/cm^2/s] depending ; on whether the input has units [cm^-3] or [cm^-5] ; pixsize [INPUT; default=1.0024 arcsec] the size of a pixel on ; the detector ; xrtl [OUTPUT] the response due solely to lines ; xrtc [OUTPUT] the response due solely to continuum ; * both XRTL and XRTC are identical in size and units ; to the primary output, XRTEMIS ; verbose [INPUT; default=0] controls chatter ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] pass defined keywords to subroutines ; FOLD_IONEQ : CHIDIR ; ISMTAU : FH2, HE1, HEII ; MAKE_XRT_WAVE_RESP : INDEX, CONTAM_THICK, CONTAM_TIME ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Jun2007) ; added keywords TOEL, PIXSIZE, XRTL, XRTC (VK; Mar2008) ; changed call from CALC_XRT_EFFAREA() to MAKE_XRT_WAVE_RESP() (VK; Apr2009) ; bugfix: FILTER was failing to match to XRTEFF.NAME when specified ; (VK; Nov2009) ;- forward_function make_xrt_wave_resp ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nf=n_elements(filter) & szf=size(filter,/type) if np eq 0 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nf eq 0 then ok='FILTER is undefined' else $ if szf ne 7 then ok='FILTER must be a char string' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: xrtemis=hinode_xrt_emis(filter,tgrid,ldbdir=ldbdir,$' print,' cdbdir=cdbdir,ioneqf=ioneqf,abund=abund,cieroot=cieroot,$' print,' n_e=n_e,NH=NH,xrteff=xrteff,lstr=lstr,cstr=cstr,$' print,' /toel,/toph,/toDN,EM0=EM0,pixsize=pixsize,verbose=verbose,$' print,' chidir=chidir,fH2=fH2,He1=He1,HeII=HeII)' print,' compute and return emissivity functions for Hinode/XRT filters' if np gt 0 then begin message,ok,/informational print,'Al-mesh, Al-poly, C-poly, Ti-poly, Be-thin, Be-med, Al-med, '+$ 'Al-thick, Be-thick, Al-poly/Al-mesh, Al-poly/Ti-poly, '+$ 'Al-poly/Al-thick, Al-poly/Be-thick, C-poly/Ti-poly' endif return,-1L endif ; keywords vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 if not keyword_set(ldbdir) then ldbdir='$CHIANTI' if not keyword_set(ioneqf) then ioneqf='ioneq/mazzotta_etal.ioneq' if n_elements(abund) lt 30 then abund=getabund('grevesse et al.') if not keyword_set(cdbdir) then cdbdir='$CONT' if not keyword_set(cieroot) then cieroot='cie' if not keyword_set(n_e) then n_e=1e9 if not keyword_set(NH) then NH=0 if not keyword_set(EM0) then EM0=1.D pixsizx=1.0024 & pixsizy=pixsizx if keyword_set(pixsize) then begin npix=n_elements(pixsize) & szp=size(pixsize,/type) if szp[0] le 5 then begin if pixsize[0] ne 0 then pixsizx=abs(pixsize[0]) if npix ge 2 then $ if pixsize[1] ne 0 then pixsizy=abs(pixsize[1]) else pixsizy=pixsizx endif else $ message,'ignoring input PIXSIZE; using default',/informational endif if not keyword_set(xrteff) then begin ;(xrteff is not set ; look for save file in !ARDB defsysv,'!ARDB',ardbdir,exists=ivar ;!ARDB is defined if ivar=1 if ivar eq 0 then begin ;(!ARDB undefined help,/source_files,output=cc ii=strpos(cc,'') & oo=where(ii ge 0,moo) if moo eq 0 then begin ;(this file cannot be found? ardbdir='/data/fubar/SCAR/ardb' endif else begin ;file not found)(file found ccc=cc[oo[0]] iii=strpos(ccc,'pro') & i0=strpos(ccc,' ',/reverse_search) ardbdir=filepath('',root_dir=strmid(ccc,i0+1,iii-i0-1),subdir='ardb') endelse ;file found) endif else setsysval,'!ARDB',ardbdir,/getval ;!ARDB undefined) message,'restoring XRTEFF from '+filepath('xrt_eff.sav',root_dir=ardbdir),$ /informational restore,filepath('xrt_eff.sav',root_dir=ardbdir),verbose=(vv<1) if n_tags(xrteff) eq 0 then begin ;(xrteff doesn't exist if n_tags(eff) eq 0 then begin ;(eff also doesn't exist message,'XRT effective areas not found; quitting',/informational return,-1L endif else xrteff=eff ;eff) endif ;xrteff) endif else begin ;xrteff is not set)(is set if n_tags(xrteff) eq 0 then begin ;(xrteff not a structure if size(xrteff,/type) eq 7 then begin ;(xrteff is a filename message,'restoring XRTEFF from '+xrteff[0],/informational restore,xrteff[0],/verbose if n_tags(xrteff) eq 0 then begin ;(xrteff doesn't exist if n_tags(eff) eq 0 then begin ;(eff also doesn't exist message,'XRT effective areas not found; quitting',/informational return,-1L endif else xrteff=eff ;eff) endif ;xrteff) endif else begin ;xrteff not filename)(calculate message,'calling make_xrt_wave_resp() to compute XRTEFF',$ /informational ;xrteff=calc_xrt_effarea() ;REQUIRES SSW! wav=make_xrt_wave_resp(_extra=e) ;REQUIRES SSW! xrteff=wav.EFFAR message,'calling make_xrt_wave_resp() to compute XRTEFF',$ /informational endelse ;calculate xrteff in situ) endif ;xrteff not a structure) endelse ;xrteff) intoel=0 & if keyword_set(toel) then intoel=1 intoph=0 & if keyword_set(toph) then intoph=1 if keyword_set(intoph) then intoel=0 ;override TOEL intoDN=0 & if keyword_set(toDN) then intoDN=1 if keyword_set(intoDN) then intoph=0 ;override TOPH if keyword_set(intoDN) then intoel=0 ;override TOEL ; extract some useful arrays from XRTEFF ; ;<-- someday: here put in a check to make sure XRTEFF is kosher --> ; WAVE=xrteff.WAVE ;EFF_AREA=xrteff.TRANS ;CHANNEL_NAME=xrteff.CHANNEL_NAME & nchan=n_elements(CHANNEL_NAME) EFF_AREA=xrteff.EFF_AREA CHANNEL_NAME=xrteff.NAME & nchan=n_elements(CHANNEL_NAME) for i=0L,nchan-1L do channel_name[i]=(strsplit((xrteff.NAME)[i],';',/extract))[0] LENGTH=xrteff.LENGTH & lmin=min(length,max=lmax) wmin=min(WAVE[0L:lmin-1L,*]) & wmax=max(WAVE[0L:lmax-1L,*]) ifilt=intarr(nchan)-1 if strpos(strlowcase(filter[0]),'all') ge 0 or $ strtrim(filter[0],2) eq '' then ifilt=indgen(nchan) else begin ;for i=0L,nchan-1L do for j=0L,nf-1L do ifilt[i]=strpos(strupcase(filter[j]),strupcase(CHANNEL_NAME[i])) for i=0L,nchan-1L do for j=0L,nf-1L do begin oo=where(strupcase(filter[j]) eq strupcase(CHANNEL_NAME[i]),moo) if moo gt 0 then ifilt[i]=i endfor endelse ofilt=where(ifilt ge 0,mofilt) if mofilt eq 0 then begin message,'No filters selected; quitting',/informational return,-1L endif ; some other useful stuff if vv ge 5 then peasecolr inicon,fundae=fundae fov=pixsizx*pixsizy fov=fov*((!pi/180.)*(1./3600.))^2/(4.*!dpi) ;FOV of 1" pixels covers this many steradians/pix ergperDN=fundae.ergev*3.65*60. ;[erg/eV]*[eV/e]*[e/DN] if not keyword_set(toDN) then ergperDN=1. ;i.e., NO conversion to DN, even if ;"ergperDN" is used to downstream! if keyword_set(intoel) then ergperDN=fundae.ergev*3.65 ;[erg/eV]*[eV/e] ergperDN=1d23*ergperDN ;to account for the 1e-23 in the emissivities ergperDN=ergperDN/fov xtitle='log T' & ytitle='[10!u-23!n ergs cm!u5!n s!u-1!n]' if keyword_set(intoel) then ytitle='[electrons cm!u5!n s!u-1!n]' if keyword_set(intoph) then ytitle='[ph cm!u5!n s!u-1!n]' if keyword_set(intoDN) then ytitle='[DN cm!u5!n s!u-1!n]' ; read in line emissivities if n_tags(lstr) eq 0 then begin lconf=rd_line(atom,n_e=n_e,wrange=[wmin,wmax],dbdir=ldbdir,fstr=lstr,verbose=verbose) ; if APED, then remove the Anders & Grevesse abundances if strpos(strlowcase(ldbdir),'ape') ge 0 then begin apedance,lconf,lstr.Z & lstr.LINE_INT=lconf endif ; if not APED, apply ion balances if strpos(strlowcase(ldbdir),'ape') lt 0 and strpos(strlowcase(ioneqf),'none') lt 0 then begin lconf=fold_ioneq(lstr.LINE_INT,lstr.Z,lstr.JON,eqfile=ioneqf,verbose=verbose, _extra=e) lstr.LINE_INT=lconf endif endif lwvl=abs(lstr.WVL) & Z=lstr.Z & nlw=n_elements(Z) if keyword_set(toph) then nrgl=(fundae.h*fundae.c*1e8)/lwvl ;[erg/ph] ; read in continuum emissivities if n_tags(cstr) eq 0 then begin cconf=rd_cont(cieroot,n_e=n_e,wrange=[wmin,wmax],dbdir=cdbdir,abund=abund,fcstr=cstr,verbose=verbose,_extra=e) endif cww=mid2bound(cstr.midWVL) & cwvl=0.5*(cww[1:*]+cww) & ncw=n_elements(cwvl) if keyword_set(toph) then nrgc=(fundae.h*fundae.c*1e8)/cwvl ;[erg/ph] cdw=abs(cww[1:*]-cww) cconf=cstr.CONT_INT & for i=0L,n_elements(cstr.LOGT)-1L do cconf[i,*]=cconf[i,*]*cdw ; recast the continuum on the same temperature grid as the line emissivities if n_elements(cstr.LOGT) ne n_elements(lstr.LOGT) then begin tmp=rebinx(cconf,cstr.LOGT,lstr.LOGT,verbose=vv) if vv gt 9 then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' cconf=tmp endif ; any intrinsic absorption? if keyword_set(NH) then begin lopt=exp(-ismtau(lwvl,NH=NH,/bam,abund=abund,verbose=(vv<1),_extra=e)) copt=exp(-ismtau(cwvl,NH=NH,/bam,abund=abund,verbose=(vv<1),_extra=e)) endif else begin lopt=fltarr(nlw)+1. copt=fltarr(ncw)+1. endelse if keyword_set(toph) then lopt=lopt*(1d-23/nrgl) if keyword_set(toph) then copt=copt*(1d-23/nrgc) ; output if n_elements(tgrid) eq 0 then tgrid=lstr.LOGT nT=n_elements(tgrid) & nmaxT=n_elements(lstr.LOGT) & jT=findex(lstr.LOGT,tgrid) nf=mofilt & nW=lmin xrtemis=dblarr(nT,nf) & xrtl=dblarr(nT,nf) & xrtc=dblarr(nT,nf) totemis=dblarr(nT) totlemis=dblarr(nT) totcemis=dblarr(nT) warf=WAVE[0:nW-1L,0] & larf=fltarr(nlw,nf) & carf=fltarr(ncw,nf) for i=0,nf-1 do larf[*,i]=(interpol(((EFF_AREA)[0:nw-1L,ofilt[i]]),warf,lwvl)>0)<(max(EFF_AREA)) for i=0,nf-1 do carf[*,i]=(interpol(((EFF_AREA)[0:nw-1L,ofilt[i]]),warf,cwvl)>0)<(max(EFF_AREA)) ; compute the response zab=abund[Z-1] for it=0L,nT-1L do begin if vv gt 0 then kilroy jj=fix(jT[iT]) jj0=(jj>0)<(nmaxT-1L) & jj1=(jj+1)<(nmaxT-1L) ;no extrapolations! djT=abs(jT[iT]-jj) ; ; intensities linint=lopt*reform((lstr.LINE_INT)[jj0,*])*EM0*zab conint=copt*reform((cconf)[jj0,*])*EM0 if djT gt 0.001 and $ jj ge 0 and jj lt nmaxT-2 then begin ;(interpolate between slices linint=djT*linint + (1.-djT)*lopt*reform((lstr.LINE_INT)[jj1,*])*EM0*zab conint=djT*conint + (1.-djT)*copt*reform((cconf)[jj1,*])*EM0 endif ;JT>0.001) ; fluxes totemis[it]=(total(linint)+total(conint))/ergperDN totlemis[it]=(total(linint)+0*total(conint))/ergperDN totcemis[it]=(0*total(linint)+total(conint))/ergperDN for jf=0,nf-1 do xrtemis[it,jf]=$ (total(linint*larf[*,jf])+total(conint*carf[*,jf]))/ergperDN for jf=0,nf-1 do xrtl[it,jf]=(total(linint*larf[*,jf]))/ergperDN for jf=0,nf-1 do xrtc[it,jf]=(total(conint*carf[*,jf]))/ergperDN if it gt 0 and vv ge 5 then begin plot,tgrid[0:it],totemis[0:it,0],/yl,yr=max(xrtemis[0:it,*])*[1e-5,2],$ xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,_extra=e for i=0,nf-1 do oplot,tgrid,xrtemis[*,i],col=1+(i mod 8) if vv ge 10 then begin dy=(!y.crange[1]-!y.crange[0])/(n_elements(CHANNEL_NAME)+5) for i=0,nf-1 do xyouts,!x.crange[0]+0.1,10.^(!y.crange[1]-(i+1)*dy),CHANNEL_NAME[ofilt[i]],color=1+(i mod 8) endif endif endfor if vv ge 5 then begin plot,tgrid,totemis,/yl,yr=max(xrtemis)*[1e-5,2],$ xtit=xtitle,ytit=ytitle,_extra=e for i=0,nf-1 do oplot,tgrid,xrtemis[*,i],col=1+(i mod 8) dy=(!y.crange[1]-!y.crange[0])/(n_elements(CHANNEL_NAME)+5) for i=0,nf-1 do xyouts,!x.crange[0]+0.1,10.^(!y.crange[1]-(i+1)*dy),$ CHANNEL_NAME[ofilt[i]],color=1+(i mod 8) endif if vv gt 1000 then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' return,xrtemis end