;+ ;script tieup2 ; ;differs from TIEUP1 in that the line widths are not all identical ;to the first one, but are allowed some wiggle room. ; ;given an ID structure (IDSTR) ; -- sets the line width of the first component to LSFWDT, ; -- ties all other line widths to be WDT[0] +- WDTERR ; -- ties all line locations to that of the first one, but ; with a leeway defined by LINERR ; -- if variable POSITIVF is set, then constrains all fluxes ; to be +ve ; ;outputs are ; TIES a string array containing all the ties ; THAW integer array signifying frozen(0) and thawed(1) parameters ; POS a float array containing the initial positions ; WDT a float array containing the initial widths ; HGT a float array containing the initial heights ; ;then, if ; SPECT(LAMBDA) is well defined, goes ahead and calls FITLINES ; and makes a new copy of IDSTR -- IDSTR2 -- with the new fluxes. ; ;the fit parameters are in ; FPAR a structure containing everything of interest ; POS,WDT,FLX best-fit values ; [PWF]ERR[UL] upper and lower deviations on best-fit values ; [PWF]ERRC delta-chisq threshold for which deviations are computed ; ;vinay kashyap (MarMM) ; added EPITHET to call (VK; MMaug) ;- ; absolutely need the following if n_tags(idstr) eq 0 then message,'IDSTR not available' ; this is where we start from tmp=cat_id(idstr) ; initialize some useful parameters if not keyword_set(lsfwdt) then lsfwdt=0.015 ;initial width of line if not keyword_set(wdterr) then wdterr=0.005 ;uncertainty in line widths if not keyword_set(linerr) then linerr=0.01 ;uncertainty in line positions if not keyword_set(positivf) then positivf=0 ;flux positivity? print,'' & help,lsfwdt,wdterr,linerr,positivf nf=n_elements(idstr.WVL) ;# features nc=0L & for i=0L,nf-1L do nc=nc+n_elements(idstr.(i+1).WVL) ;# components ; extract the parameters pos=fltarr(nc) & wdt=pos+float(lsfwdt[0]) & hgt=pos kc=0L for kf=0L,nf-1L do begin idf=idstr.(kf+1L) wvlc=idf.WVL & flxc=idf.FLUX & mc=n_elements(wvlc) pos[kc]=wvlc[*] & hgt[kc]=flxc[*] & kc=kc+mc endfor ; keep all parameters thawed thaw=intarr(3L*nc)+1 ; set the ties ties=0 ; (loosely) tie up all the widths to the first one for i=0L,nc-1L do begin ic=strtrim(3L*i+1,2) & ac='a'+ic ; aI=((aI < a1+(WDTERR)) > (a1-(WDTERR))) > 0 cc=ac+' = (('+ac+' < a1+('+strtrim(WDTERR[0],2)+')) > (a1-('+$ strtrim(WDTERR[0],2)+'))) > 0' if not keyword_set(ties) then ties=[cc] else ties=[ties,cc] endfor ; (loosely) tie up the relative positions for i=1L,nc-1L do begin ic=strtrim(3L*i,2) & ac='a'+ic & dpos=pos[i]-pos[0] ; ac = (ac > (a0+(dpos-linerr))) < (a0+(dpos+linerr)) cc=ac+' = ('+ac+' > (a0+('+strtrim(dpos-linerr[0],2)+'))) < (a0+('+$ strtrim(dpos+linerr[0],2)+'))' if not keyword_set(ties) then ties=[cc] else ties=[ties,cc] endfor ; flux positivity constraint if keyword_set(POSITIVF) then begin for i=0L,nc-1L do begin ic=strtrim(3L*i+2,2) & ac='a'+ic ; aI=aI > 0 cc=ac+' = '+ac+' > 0' if not keyword_set(ties) then ties=[cc] else ties=[ties,cc] endfor endif ; make labels for the IDs epithet=idlabel(idstr,Zbeda=Zbeda,Ibeda=Ibeda,Wbeda=Wbeda,Lbeku=Lbeku,$ wform=wform,wstyle=wstyle, ziform=ziform) ; report help,ties,thaw,pos,wdt,hgt ; ready to call FITLINES? nl=n_elements(lambda) & ns=n_elements(spect) if nl eq 0 then stop,'LAMBDA undefined' if ns eq 0 then stop,'SPECT(LAMBDA) undefined' if nl ne ns then stop,'LAMBDA and SPECT(LAMBDA) incompatible' ; so some initialization for FITLINES nse=n_elements(sperr) & if nse ne ns then sperr=sqrt(abs(SPECT)+0.75)+1. if not keyword_set(funcnam) then funcnam='x3model' if not keyword_set(functyp) then functyp='lorentz' if n_elements(dumb) eq 0 then dumb=1 if n_elements(verbose) eq 0 then verbose=5 ; call FITLINES print,'*****************************************' print,'calling FITLINES with following as input:' print,'*****************************************' help,lambda,spect,sperr,funcnam,functyp,pos,wdt,hgt,thaw,ties,$ conlev,consig,dumb,verbose print,'*****************************************' print,string("7b) & print,'OK? type any key to continue, n, q, or z to stop' print,'*****************************************' c=get_kbrd(1) & c=strlowcase(c) if c eq 'n' or c eq 'q' or c eq 'z' then stop,'HALTING: type .CON to continue' print,'*****************************************' ; fpar=fitlines(lambda,spect,ysig=sperr,funcs=funcnam,pos=pos,wdt=wdt,flx=hgt,$ perrp=perrp,perrm=perrm,perrc=perrc,$ werrp=werrp,werrm=werrm,werrc=werrc,$ ferrp=ferrp,ferrm=ferrm,ferrc=ferrc,$ ties=ties,thaw=thaw,type=functyp,epithet=epithet,$ conlev=conlev,consig=consig,dumb=dumb,verbose=verbose) ; overwrite the fluxes in IDSTR flx=fpar.FLX & flxp=fpar.FERRP & flxm=fpar.FERRM & flxc=fpar.FERRC flxe=0.5*(flxp+flxm) oo=where(flxc eq 2.7,moo) & if moo gt 0 then flxe[oo]=0.5*flxe[oo] idstr2=updatid(idstr,flx,flxerr=flxe) ; report help,cat_id(idstr2),idstr2 end