PRO DESCALE_ALL, TEMP, SPLSTR, INDEX, UPS ;+ ; EXPLANATION ; ; This routine descales all types of spline fits into upsilons or ; rates, i.e., it does both electron upsilons and proton rates, ; and both 5-point and 10-point splines. In addition it can ; simultaneously descale several temperatures at once. ; ; INPUTS ; ; TEMP Temperature(s), K. ; ; SPLSTR Structure output by read_splups. ; ; INDEX Index of structure. ; ; OUTPUTS ; ; UPS Upsilon value(s) at temperature(s) TEMP. ; ; EXAMPLES ; ; read_splups,splupsfile,splstr ; descale_all,[1.e6,2.e6],splstr,5,ups ; print,ups ; ; HISTORY ; ; Ver.1, 15-Mar-01, Peter Young ; adapted from Ken Dere's ; ; Ver.2, 12-Nov-01, Peter Young ; added type 6 transitions (for protons) ; ; Ver.3, 3-Jan-2012, Ken Dere ; allowed for the number of spline points from 5 through 9 ;- de=splstr[index].de cc=splstr[index].c_ups tt=splstr[index].t_type spl=splstr[index].spl st=splstr[index].nspl kte=temp/de/1.57888d5 CASE 1 OF (tt EQ 1) OR (tt EQ 4): xt=1 - alog(cc)/(alog(kte + cc)) (tt EQ 2) OR (tt EQ 3) OR (tt EQ 5) OR (tt EQ 6): xt=kte / (kte +cc) ENDCASE ; ; this is from Ver. 2 ; IF st EQ 5 THEN BEGIN ; 5-point spline ; spl=spl[0:4] ; xs=0.25*findgen(5) ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; 9-point spline ; spl=spl[0:8] ; xs=0.125*findgen(9) ; ENDELSE ; kpd - want to allow any number of splines spl=spl[0:st-1] xs = findgen(st)/float(st-1.) y2=spl_init(xs,spl) sups=spl_interp(xs,spl,y2,xt) CASE tt OF 1: ups=sups*alog(kte + exp(1.)) 2: ups=sups 3: ups=sups/(kte+1.) 4: ups=sups*alog(kte+cc) 5: ups=sups/(kte) 6: ups=10.^sups ELSE: print,' t_type ne 1,2,3,4,5,6=',tt,l1,l2 ENDCASE ups=ups>0. END