JaeSub Hong, 2003-2005 Please report any problem or suggestion at jaesub@head.cfa.harvard.edu Refer to J. Hong, E.M. Schlegel & J.E. Grindlay, 2004 ApJ 614 p508 and references therein ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Quantile analysis routines: 2 independent platforms are available - perl & IDL (C version in future) perl: quantile.pl : quantile calculator src.txt : example src file bkg.txt : example bkg file grid.pl : quantile grid generator (requires sherpa) grid.sl : a sherpa-slang file required for grid.pl example.rmf : example rmf file example.arf : example arf file example_powerlaw_grid.rdb : example grid (powerlaw) example_bremss_grid.rdb : example grid (thermal bremss) IDL: quantile.pro: quantile calculator example.pro: example of using quantile.pro plot_grid.pro: an example routine to plot the grid pattern rdrdb.pro: RDB file reader for plot_grid.pro ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History ver 1.7: Mar 2005 quantile.pl - add source and bkg value selection routine use only the values within the given range - add QDx, QDy and their errors for the output (require option -qccd) - apply various corrections for error by default (-fixerror) in order to remove these corrections, use -nofixerror - nip default value is now 2000 quantile.pro - change fixerror to nofixerror - nip default value is now 2000 - change err_qt => err_Ex - add Qx, err_Qx - add QDx, QDy and their errors for the output (require option /qccd) grid.pl - output format changes the column names E0, E1, E2,.. => E25, E50, E75,... i.e. Ex where x is frac*100. qdplot.pro - routines for plotting QCCD example.pro - now from sample calculation to plotting default error correction error for QDy : 0.8 *sqrt(1+(n_src-n_net)/n_src) 1/(1.+0.5/(n_net>1.)) [known bug] - all the input values are identical, estimated errors are not meaningful - when estimation fails, try increase nip value ver 1.6: Feb 2005 - A bug fix in quantile.pl If multiple identical x values crash interpolations, Add "simplify" function to remove mutiple x values except for two bounding values and correct interpol routine. ver 1.5: Nov 2004 Now comes with a grid generator (grid.pl, grid.sl). By modeling spectra with sherpa, grid.pl calculates a series of quantile values, which can be used to generate grid patterns of quantile color-color diagram for a given detector response. minor correction added : grid points are more evenly distributed now ver 1.2: Aug 2004 Minor bug fix ver 1.1: Feb 2004 Bug fix for $n_net < 1.0 More output : src, bkg and net counts, and ratio fix a bug: the range option uses ":" for separator e.g) -range x.x:y.y ver 1.0: Nov 2003 Initial release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future plan 1. Advanced routines for quantile and error calculation 2. C version : do we really need this? well, compiling is so pain in the a... Oh, Lord! Grant me patience. And uuuh, please, hurry.