
  updated (21/04/05) zip file containing 3 masks (.SMF and .nc format)

  Number of masks per field:

  field    # bright masks   # faint masks
  -----    --------------   -------------

  V382Vel    0                 1
  NGC3256    0                 2
  GC1        2                 2            (from June 2004)
  PSR1813    1                 1            (from June 2004)
  SgrB2      1                 1            (from June 2004)
  J1655      0                 1            (from June 2004)
             --               ---  
  total      4                 8

  faint  = mag >~ 17, exposure time 3x30 min
  bright = mag <~ 17, exposure time 3x 5 min 


  Field centers taken from .SMF files:

  field     ra(J2000)    dec(J2000)
  ------    ------------ ------------

  V382_A    10:44:48.370 -52:26:00.00

  N32_A     10:28:36.800 -44:00:38.70
  N32_B     10:28:25.000 -43:59:38.70

  GC1_E     17:46:02.000 -28:53:00.00
  GC1_F     17:45:32.600 -29:00:00.00
  GC1_1     17:45:59.900 -29:00:37.00
  GC1_2     17:45:59.900 -28:55:23.00

  PSR_A     18:16:30.800 -36:19:34.50
  PSR_1     18:16:30.800 -36:19:34.50

  SgrB_f    17:47:16.000 -28:22:00.00
  SgrB_b    17:47:16.000 -28:22:00.00

  J165_f    16:54:00.000 -39:55:54.60

  Elevation plot for May 10 2005


  Mask properties

  (1)     (2)                                 (3)                 (4)            (5)             (6)
  Field   Setup                               XHa X    Ha align   magn & CMDs    Rmin    Rmax    Finding Charts
  -----   ---------------------------------   -----------------   ------------   --------------  --------------

* V382Vel:
  faint:  V382_A.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask   2  13  15  12      .rdb           17.5   23.1     .jpg/.ps .reg

* NGC3256:
  faint:  N32_A.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    1  22   5  12      .rdb           18.2   23.1     .jpg/.ps .reg

          N32_B.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    0  11   3  12      .rdb           18.1   22.9     .jpg/.ps .reg

* GC1:
  faint:  GC1_E.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    ?  ??   ?  11      .db/.ps/.gif   18.481  23.124  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 1  24   2  11 all XHa targets were also included in masks observed in 2004)

          GC1_F.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    ?  ??   ?   8      .db/.ps/.gif   19.244  23.053  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 3  12   3   8 all XHa targets were also included in masks observed in 2004)

  bright: GC1_1.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    ?  ??   ?   9      .db/.ps/.gif   13.21   18.469  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 1  42   0   9)

          GC1_2.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    ?  ??   ?   9      .db/.ps/.gif   13.456  18.333  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 0  31   0   9)

* PSR1813:
  faint:  PSR_A.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    2  16   5   6      txt/.ps/.gif   18.035  21.595  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 2  19   5   6)

  bright: PSR_1.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask    0  14   7   7      txt/.ps/.gif   12.734  17.913  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 0  16   7   7)

* SgrB2:
  faint:  SgrB_f.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask   ?  ??   ?   5      .db/.ps/.gif   19.502  22.761  .jpg/.ps .reg 
                                        (2004: 0  24   4   5)

  bright: SgrB_b.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask   1   7   ?   5      .db/.ps/.gif   14.041  18.734  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 1  14   1   5)

* J1655:
  faint:  J165_f.obs/.obw/.SMF/detector/mask   1   9  11   5      .db/.ps/.gif   19.08   23.365  .jpg/.ps .reg
                                        (2004: 2  21  12   5)


  1. targets are taken from match lists under 'X' and 'Ha' from

     alignment stars are chosen from _opt.rdb tables, 18 < V < 19.5

  2. selection criteria and definitions for the new (=2005) masks:
    - faint   masks : R < 17
      bright  masks : R >= 17
    - H-alpha excess sources (no X-ray match): H-R < -0.3 && SNR > 5 && Hsharp >= -1 && Hsharp <= 1
      X-ray + Halpha excess sources          : H-R < -0.2

  3.  priority scheme (lower number = higher priority)
      a. X-ray + Halpha excess sources     -2.0
      b. X-ray sources                     -0.5
      c. Halpha-excess sources              2
      d. alignment stars                   -4.0

      refinements for a+b:
       if error95 <= 4"                     :  add -0.5
       if sigma=(X/O dist)/matchradius <= 2 :  add -0.5
       if error95 >= 10": X-ray sources            :  3 (lowest priority)
                          X-ray + Ha excess source :  2 (like "normal" Ha-excess source)


  Notes to the table:

  ad (3) number of stars per priority class
         XHa   = priorities -3.0, -2.5 and -2 (match X-ray / Ha-excess source)
         Xopt  = priorities -1.5, -1., -0.5  (X-ray match)
         H     = priority 2 (Ha-excess source)
         align = alignment stars

         for fields V382Vel and NGC3256 the numbers refer to 3-sigma matches

         for the remaining fields the matching was done with the "old" 
         matching routine, the corresponding numbers are shown in ();
	 the numbers refer to the status of the sources
         according to 2-sigma matching (3-sigma for PSR1813)
         E.g. the PSR1813-bright mask has slits for 23 targets, but 
         2 of those are not considered as 3-sigma matches anymore

  ad (4) .db/txt: lists with magnitudes of at least all (or most ..) science targets in a mask
         .gif/.ps: colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams 
                   XHa sources are indicated in red

  ad (5) minimum and maximum R magnitude of the science targets

  ad (6) finding charts; north is up, east to the left
         colour code for region files and finding charts:
         red    = priorities -3.0, -2.5 and -2 (XHa)
         blue   = priorities -1.5, -1 and -0.5 (X)
         green  = priority 2 (Ha)
         yellow = priority 3 (error95>=10") and 5 (e.g. targets of chandra observation)
         white  = alignment star (TBD for 2005 masks)

mvdb 20/04/05 __________________________________________________________________________________________________