Archive for the ‘Stars’ Category.

[ArXiv] NGC 6397 Deep ACS Imaging, Aug. 29, 2007

From arxiv/astro-ph:0708.4030v1
Deep ACS Imaging in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397: The Cluster Color Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Function by H.B. Richer

This paper presented an observational study of a globular cluster, named NGC 6397, enhanced and more informative compared to previous observations in a sense that 1) a truncation in the white dwarf cooling sequence occurs at 28 magnitude, 2) the cluster main sequence seems to terminate approximately at the hydrogen-burning limit predicted by two independent stellar evolution models, and 3) luminosity functions (LFs) or mass functions (MFs) are well defined. Nothing statistical, but the idea of defining color magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and LFs described in the paper, will assist developing suitable statistics on CMD and LF fitting problems in addition to the improved measurements (ACS imaging) of stars in NGC 6397.
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[ArXiv] Numerical CMD analysis, Aug. 28th, 2007

From arxiv/astro-ph:0708.3758v1
Numerical Color-Magnitude Diagram Analysis of SDSS Data and Application to the New Milky Way Satellites by J. T. A. de Jong et. al.

The authors applied MATCH (Dolphin, 2002[1] -note that the year is corrected) to M13, M15, M92, NGC2419, NGC6229, and Pal14 (well known globular clusters), and BooI, BooII, CvnI, CVnII, Com, Her, LeoIV, LeoT, Segu1, UMaI, UMaII and Wil1 (newly discovered Milky Way satellites) from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to fit Color Magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of these stellar clusters and find the properties of these satellites.
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  1. Numerical methods of star formation history measurement and applications to seven dwarf spheroidals,Dolphin (2002), MNRAS, 332, p. 91[]

[ArXiv] Isochrone database, Aug. 20, 2007

From arxiv/astro-ph:0708.1204v3
An Isochrone Database and a Rapid Model for Stellar Population Synthesis by Li and Han

This paper emphasize the binary population: CMD fitting with the binary population synthetic model outperformed to the single population model. They used Hurley code (Hurley, Tout, and Pols (2002). Evolution of binary stars and the effect of tides on binary populations, MNRAS, 329(4), p.897-928). They mentioned that two color-color grids can disentangle the age-metallicity degeneracy via binary stellar populations. They fitted their isochrone database to M67 and NGC 1868 with the gT-grid and concluded that the database of binary stellar populations fitted the color magnitude diagrams better.
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Summarizing Coronal Spectra

Hyunsook and I have preliminary findings (work done with the help of the X-Atlas group) on the efficacy of using spectral proxies to classify low-mass coronal sources, put up as a poster at the XGratings workshop. The workshop has a “poster haiku” session, where one may summarize a poster in a single transparency and speak on it for a couple of minutes. I cannot count syllables, so I wrote a limerick instead: Continue reading ‘Summarizing Coronal Spectra’ »